Thursday 28 February 2013

Western Anthology Submission Accepted


Kurrent Edition ( picked up the following Western story for their Spring Anthology. 

Below is the script in it's written form.  I will be adding pictures once they come in.

Adrian Crismaru is my brilliant Illustrator on this story, his European western style of art inspired me to write this short story for him, and I am currently writing a 4 issue Western comic which we both hope to pitch to a European publisher together. 


"What was Once yours is mine"

Page 1 (4 Panels)

Panel 1 (largest panel)
A scruffy looking cowboy is walking up to the bar in a dangy saloon; the saloon has a large mirror behind the bar with bottle of liquor and empty glass on either side. We can see a cowboy here, cowboy there and the saloon owner behind the bar.  THIS IS AN OLD WEST SILENT MOVIE. NO DIALOGUE
TITLE: What was once yours is mine.
DIRECTED BY: Crismaru 

Panel 2
The cowboy signals 1 drink using his finger.

Panel 3
indicates with his fingers how much whiskey he would like (using thumb and pointer finger. )

Panel 4
Bar man pours him a tall whiskey, next to the glass which is getting the whiskey we can see 2 gold teeth on the bar table next to the glass.

Page 2 (5 Panels)

Panel 1
The barkeep takes the teeth as payment.

Panel 2
A cowboy is drinking a drink at a saloon bar, (he is directly in front of the door but his back is to it.

Panel 3
His head is down.  He is slowly taking sips from a whisky glass.

Panel 4
We can see cowboy boots walking up the wooden steps. We can see metal stirrups and dirt on his boots.

Panel 5
We can see the silhouette of a man about to open the saloon doors.

Page 3 (6 Panels)

Panel 1
The cowboy drinking the whiskey takes a big drink and leans back so he can look in the mirror

Panel 2
We can see in the mirror the man who just came in has his gun pointed at the cowboy drinking.

Panel 3
We can see a shot fired pointing towards the man who was sitting at the bar.

Panel 4
We can see a bullet hole in the glass where the cowboy just was.

Panel 5
We can see the cowboy on his one knee crouched down and with his gun pointed at the man who just tried to shoot him.

Panel 6

Page 4 (3 Panels)

Panel 1
The cowboy shoots the man (who just came in) in the chest.

Panel 2
The cowboy gets up, finishes his drink

Panel 3
Cowboy walks past the man who is laying dead, the man is facing the reader with his mouth partially opened.

Page 5 (3 Panels)

Panel 1
From the dead man’s perspective we can see the cowboy opening the doors to the saloon and is leaving.

Panel 2
We can see the person laying dead with his mouth partially opened.

Panel 3
Closer and we are looking and we notice the dead man is missing exactly 2 teeth. (they were the gold ones.)


The end.  

Thursday 21 February 2013

Script to Comic Page:

In this sequence I will show you how a script becomes a comic page using my first ever comic script "False Dawn" (which I will be pitching to IMAGE Comics this coming April).

"False Dawn" is a modern day political thriller.  (Think "Se7en" meets "National Treasure".)

Step 1:

I wrote the script:

"False Dawn" Issue 01 By Kelly Bender                                                                               Page 01

Panel 1
This is the Republican presidential candidates celebration party hall, we see ticker tape falling, lots of people cheering and 2 people (a husband and a wife) on a stage they are holding hands and all their hands are raised in victory.  He has just won the Presidential election. He is 56+ male with a clean cut haircut, with a little bit of grey on the sides.  He has a Jay Leno Chin, and is broad shouldered . She is an attractive looking 50 year old woman with a business suit and long dark hair.  

Word bar:

November 6th, 2012 20:12 hours

Word Bar:

Washington, DC. Office of Republican Candidate   

Step 2:

My Illustrator the Brilliant Ken Perry does a sample drawing (so that he can show me we are on the same page and what HIS vision of the events are.)

Step 3:

I approve and he starts adding more detail and inking.

Step 3:

Ken Perry adds even more detail and more inking.

Step 4:

The amazing Josh Jensen will add life to this drawing through his amazing colors.

Step 5:

The magnificant Nic Shaw will add my written words to the page.

Step 6:

I will have a complete comic page ready for pitching.

Once I get 8 pages and a cover I will start the pitching process.

Story for a Futuristic Themed Anthology

This story was picked up by Keyhole Comics (

Story Title: Rule Number One

By: Kelly Bender

An Futuristic Male knows that his wife has been cheating on him. He decides to do something about it after watching an infomercial about robots that can “take care of any problem you have no matter how big or messy”.

The male finds out the hard way about Asimov’s Robot rules, when the robot he just purchased can’t kill his wife and only cleans.

The Male after some frustration realizes that this is a dirty job he has to do himself.
Luckily for him he just purchased a Robot who can remove all the evidence and the body.

Rule Number One Kelly Bender      Page 01                                                                                                                                        

Page 01 (5 Panels)

Panel 1
Male is sitting on an futuristic couch eating grubs out of a bowl, he is eating snacks while watching “TV” (we can’t see the “TV” yet), it all looks like our stuff just way more modern and futuristic. 

Panel 2
We can see what the Male is watching, it is a black table with a hologram image coming up from the table (imagine that they are Barbie and Ken sized dolls but they are actually moving and doing everything that they would on a TV, they are NOT Barbie dolls they are in fact Robots playing a game of FOOTBALL/Soccer against each other, ROBOT VS ROBOT have them in different colors.

Panel 3

Flash of light off to the side near the door.


Panel 4
We can see the female (the wife) standing there, she has just “beamed” home.  She is wearing a “futuristic” dress, jewels and  a “purse” futuristic style don’t care let your artistic freedom take you where you want to go.

Hi honey, how’s your game?

Panel 5
Man with a mouth full of grubs, turns to her and says

Good... munch... how was your “art” show? Munch... crunch...

Rule Number One Kelly Bender            Page 02                                                                                                                                     

Page 02 (5 Panels)

Panel 1
The woman turns to walk away and we can see her dress is tucked into her panties.

It was fine, we had a guided tour by the Museum’s curator, who told us about early 21st Century art.
It was quite fascinating.

Panel 2
Man turns back to his game and he starts chomping on the grubs harder, they are dripping down his chin. We can see him chewing them.

Chomp... I’m sure it was very interesting... munch...
So interesting that you got panties twisted (speaking to himself)


Panel 3
The man is looking back at the “TV” now.  It is a commercial.  We can see an alien selling Robots.  We can see 5 types of robots beside him.

Do you have a big problem you needed taken care of?
Then do I have the solution for you.  The Robot X to XIV.
These bad boys are tough enough to take care of any mess you might have no matter how big.
Call today for today delivery.

Panel 4
We can see the male, he is looking around (head left and head right) he is wondering where his wife is.

Panel 5
We can see the man talking on an futuristic type of phone.

Um.. hi I have a problem I need taken care of.

We’ll I don’t know which one I need.  

Which one can take care of the biggest problem?

Ok, then I need that one.


Rule Number One Kelly Bender     Page 03                                                                                                                                       

Page 03 (6 Panels)

Panel 1
Man is eating his grubs, back to watching “football”

Munch... crunch...

Panel 2
Flash of white light near the door.


Panel 3
We can see the biggest robot from the commercial standing there beside the door.

Panel 4
The male stands up with grub juice on his face.

Crunch... um.. yes, yes you will do. Munch.

Panel 5
The male is standing directly in front of the robot.

So, I have problem I need taken care of. 

How do we go about taking care of it?

Squark... your orders are mine to obey... spurke...

Panel 6
The male smiles widely.  We can see grubs pieces stuck in his teeth, and grub juice around his mouth and on his chin.

Rule Number One Kelly Bender        Page 04                                                                                                                                         

Page 04 (7 Panels)

Panel 1
Male is standing in front of the robot talking to him. Alien Male has grub juice on his face.

This problem I need you to solve, I have to warn you it will be messy.

Klurp... cleaning up messes are my specialty... sloop

Excellent. want... um...

Panel 2
We can see the Male looking around, he is wondering if his wife can hear him. Grub juice still on his face.

Panel 3
Male is back looking at the Robot. Grub juice still on his face.

I... um.. I want you to “take care” of my wife.

Do you know what I mean?

Blurp... I think I do... ploop.... I can make her dinner... tidy her room... clank...


I mean “take care” of her.

Um... Kill her.

Panel 4
We are now looking only at the robot. He is holding an instructions book and is going to give to the male.

Vrook... Rule number one states... clook... no harm human... wakko...

No harm... hoopa.... no harm to come...

Panel 5
The Male has the rule book. And is reading it.

Oh... for Xylock’s sake.

The man said you can take care of any messy big jobs, what kind of messy jobs can you take care of for me then?

Panel 6
We are looking behind the Male as the robot takes his robot hands to the Males face.


Panel 7
We can now see the Males face he is not impressed but all the grub juice has been vacuumed from his face.

Rule Number One Kelly Bender                    Page 05                                                                                                                             

Page 05 ( Panels)
Panel 1
The Male is mad looking, he is talking to the Robot.

So let me get this straight.

You can’t do anything to my wife and all you can really do is “clean” up things?

Roozy... take care of problems... floopy... clean up messes.... quarkie...


Wait right here.


Panel 2
Male walks away in the direction of his wife.

Panel 3
We are looking at the robot. And can see the hallway




Panel 4
Male is walking past the robot towards the couch, he is sweating.


There is a mess in the bedroom, go clean everything up. Don’t leave a trace of anything left in that room.

Gluup... as you wish... hoopa....

Panel 5
We can see the Male sitting down at the couch.



Panel 6
We can see the Male still sitting down on the couch. In the background we can see the Robot carrying a large garbage bag slung over his shoulder. The dead wife is in there.

Fluudo... just taking out the trash master... quark...


Story Picked up for Sandy Hook Victims Fund Anthology

The Following story was submitted for the 'Sandy Hook Victims Fund' Anthology being published by Rare Earth Comics. Being a part of this anthology is important to me for obvious reasons, not only did I work in schools for over 15 years, I also have a daughter almost the same age as allot of the younger victims. 


The Mountain Laurel Forever Blooms

Page 1 (4 Panels)

Panel 1(We are seeing plants without flowers coming from the soil, the first stems of the new season)

WORD BAR:  Each spring the Mountain Laurel bloom. 

Panel 2 (we can see seeds in the dirt close up shot)

WORD BAR: Seeds left from the previous autumn, find their ways into the earth, where they find nourishment in the lush Connecticut tundra.

Panel 3 (We can see a snowman built and children’s foot prints in the snow) 

WORD BAR: Over the harsh winter climate, the seeds find comfort and warmth from the roots of the previous year’s blooms.

Panel 4 (this chart is like the evolution of man chart but a mountain laurel, pod, seed, root, stem, flower)

WORD BAR: Through transcension the knowledge learned from the previous seasons are passed on from root to seed.

Page 2 (3 Panels)

Panel 1 (We can see the flowers and lots of kid’s feet walking past or playing near)

WORD BAR: Each year the Mountain Laurels grow strong and more plentiful. 

Panel 2 (We can see the rain and wind and the flowers being pushed around, but still standing we can see kids wearing rubber boots walking past)

WORD BAR: Harsh Spring winds and rains do not stop the flowers from blooming.
Panel 3 (We can see the flowers and a bigger kid carrying a little kid.)

WORD BAR: During hard times the roots, stems and flowers work as one.

Page 3 (4 Panels)

Panel 1 (we can see the flowers, and in the background we can see people hugging each other, some are crying)

WORD BAR: Finding solace in each other.

Panel 2 (large panel)
(Picture of the Connecticut landscape, with flowers, trees, and mountains)

WORD BAR: Knowing that they share the same soil, the same land.  

Panel 3 (Plants getting sun light (sun coming through the clouds after a storm as in a `new day` is dawning)

WORD BAR: Nurturing.

Panel 4 (police men, fire men, ambulance people all holding a bouquet of mountain laurel flowers over their heart) 

WORD BAR: Protecting.

Page 4 (4 Panels)

Panel 1 (we can see the earth from space going around the sun, as in a cycle)

WORD BAR: Then the process begins again. 

Panel 2 (young flowers growing and sprouting pedals)

WORD BAR: Flourishing.

Panel 3
(more flowers with pedals)

WORD BAR: And growing together.

Panel 4
(even more flowers)

WORD BAR: Comfort.

Page 4 Panel 5

(We are seeing a group of flowers with a pole in the background. It is a flower bed of Mountain Laurel’s surrounding the base of a flag post.)

WORD BAR: Unity.

Page 5 Full page

Panel: (We are seeing the flowers at the base of a flag post with the American flag waving. We can see the school and buses full of children and kids running with friends to greet teachers for another school day, we can see a sign saying `Sandy Hook Elementary`)

WORD BAR: The Mountain Laurel Forever Blooming.  

Thursday 14 February 2013

My Name is Kelly and I am a writer.

I am as of at the time of this post not a "professional" writer. But I am a writer none the less.

I have ideas, thoughts and inspirations in which the only way I can express them is through the written word. By definition that makes me a writer.

I have written children's book stories, comic book stories, screenplays and short stories for anthologies. All of which (once again at the time of this post) are unpublished.

I have the rejection letters to prove it. (I will post them as more arrive).

I am currently working with an extremely talented group of artists (artist/inker, colorists and letterer) who are in the process of turning one of my comic book scripts into an 8 page pitch, which will hopefully be picked up by a comic publisher.

It is called "False Dawn" and it is a modern day political thriller set in Washington D.C.(Think the movies "Se7en" and "National Treasure" mixed together.)

I also have another talented artist working on another comic pitch for me called "The Other Half".  It is a balance in the Universe type of comic.  (Think "Groundhog Day" meets "The Sixth Sense")

I'll post pictures once they start coming in.