Created and Written: Kelly Bender (me)
Illustrations & Inks: Bryant Christopher Yini
Colors:Pascal Verhoef
Letters: Micah Myers
SADISTIC just got picked up by EVIL MOOSE COMICS!!
This comic book is guaranteed published! First in an anthology story (8 pages) coming out in March 2014 and then as a 4 issue Miniseries coming out Summer 2014!!
Steals other dying peoples souls to maintain his own life. Every time "Sadistic" is dying or dead his body automatically teleports anywhere in the world to another dying persons place and absorbs their soul to stay alive.
Since almost 3 people in the world die each and every second, he could be "re-born" anywhere. Knowing he will always comeback after dying has made "Sadistic" very unpredictable and unstable.
Has above normal strength and tough skin, also has other powers he has yet to show due to the fact that he is not afraid to die.
SADISTIC Anthology into story:
In this short story SADISTIC has broken into the mansion of the costumed Hero called the SHRIKE and gives him a choice... his daughters life or his gadgets.