The comic publishers "Kurrent Edition" asked Adrian (my illustrator) and I if we had anymore western stories?
I thought for a bit and in the course of a weekend finished writing a 25 page stand alone story called:
"Hang Low Aim High"
The Outline:
A notorious train robber is caught and sentenced to death by hanging in a small Nevada town.
The whole town comes out to see the hanging of the train robber, who is wanted in 3 states.
On the gallows he tells anybody who will listen that his loot is buried, and he will give the location to anyone who spares his life.
Some of the towns people need the money, his old gang wants the money and the Sheriff is left with two choices... the towns safety or seeing justice being served.
Welcome to "Hang Low Aim High"
Adrian is using water colors to add to the mood and time period.
This is the blog of writer KELLY BENDER where he promotes and shares his varying Creator Owned Comic Book Projects.
Friday, 29 March 2013
Thursday, 21 March 2013
You can be a character in my comic book!!!
My Comic Book:

(Mankind to the Third Power)
Is looking for everyday people to star in it!!
Have you ever wanted to be in a comic book? Or have a "power"? Well now you can!!
I have started a fund raising venture on "Rocket Hub" to help raise funds for my first "Super Hero" comic book.
Why am i doing this?
The way it works is you don't see money from your first books sales until about 2-3 months after it came out, by then the second issue would already be out and the artist would have to be paid for that one as well.
I am doing this to get ahead of the game and get the right illustrator on this project which will hopefully make it successful.
Just go to the link below to find out more.
Thank to all who help support this project.

(Mankind to the Third Power)
Is looking for everyday people to star in it!!
Have you ever wanted to be in a comic book? Or have a "power"? Well now you can!!
I have started a fund raising venture on "Rocket Hub" to help raise funds for my first "Super Hero" comic book.
Why am i doing this?
The way it works is you don't see money from your first books sales until about 2-3 months after it came out, by then the second issue would already be out and the artist would have to be paid for that one as well.
I am doing this to get ahead of the game and get the right illustrator on this project which will hopefully make it successful.
Just go to the link below to find out more.
Fund $20 and more
Your name in BookFund $100 and more
Donations of $100Fund $150 and more
Donations of $150Fund $200 and more
Donations of $200
Thank to all who help support this project.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Mankind to the Third Power (5 Page script sample)
"Mankind to the Third Power" created and written by Kelly Bender
Mankind to the Third Power (Issue 1 pages 1-5)
Page 01 (4 panels)
Panel 1 (largest panel)
We can see a young Hispanic male (17) wearing skater
clothes, he has longer black hair which is parted down the middle. He is
skateboarding in the street. It is day time. 2:00pm in the afternoon.
Look out.
Look out.
Coming through.
Panel 2
We can see cop cars chasing him with their lights on and
sirens going.
Panel 3
We can see the skateboard kid go on the sidewalk and heading
for an alley.
I’m outta here.
Panel 4
Imagine that we are in the passenger seat of the cop car, We
are looking to the left and we can see the driver he has a radio and is talking
on it, passed him we can see out the driver side door window and we can see the
skater going down the alley.
This is car 82, the suspect is going to go airborne require
helicopter assistance.
Mankind3 Issue 01 Kelly Bender
Page 02 (4 Panels)
Panel 1 (largest panel)
The skater has reached a dead in the alley, he is standing
there with one foot on the board and the front part of the board is raised. We
can see a fire escape off to the left. A
dumpster on the right.
Well I ain’t going back the way I came that’s for sure.
Guess we find another way out of here.
Panel 2
We can see the kid running up the metal stairs of the fire
escape. He has his skate board with him
the whole time.
Panel 3
Still going up the fire escape this time going facing the
other way (zig zag pattern)
Panel 4
We can see the kid climbing over the top and stepping onto
the roof, still holding onto the skateboard.
Hello New York.
How've you been?
Mankind3 Issue 01 Kelly Bender
Page 03 (4 Panels)
Panel 1
We are looking at the boy he is smiling thinking that he got
Who can’t get caught?
Me that’s who.
Panel 2 (largest panel)
We are looking down at an aerial view of the rooftop. We can see the boy his is standing on the
roof of an apartment building in New York City. There is a bright spotlight on
him from a police helicopter.
Freeze. You are under arrest for violating the “Mankind Code”.
Oh crap.
Panel 3
The skater boy starts skating away in the opposite direction
of the helicopter, he is heading towards the edge.
Skating abilities don’t fail me now.
Panel 4
We can see the boy doing an “Ollie” over the buildings edge.
Mankind3 Issue 01 Kelly Bender
Page 04-05 (4 Panels)
Panel 1 (Splash Page) covers ¾ of the top of the two pages.
We can see the skater almost surfing in the sky using his
skate board, the skate board is glowing a bright green color. His eyes are glowing the same color. He has telekinesis
powers, he is moving the skateboard in the air with his mind. Imagine the “grey colored surfer” (from the
other guys book but using a skateboard).
We can see the helicopter and the whole of Manhattan in the
background. The skater is the largest
thing in the picture.
Halt, you are violating the “Mankind Code”, stop using your “evolutionary powers” or we will shoot. You are under arrest. This is your last warning.
ISSUE TITLE: The Evolution will be televised
Panel 2
We can see a guy hanging out from the helicopter with a
machine gun and he is opening fire.
Ratatata!! (machine gun noise)
Panel 3
Without looking around the skater just lifts his left hand
and stops all the bullets.
Panel 4
The skater turns like he’s riding a wave and heads down
another alley lower than the helicopter can follow. Have some “energy” flowing or trailing behind
Better luck next time losers.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Super Hero story I am currently looking for an illustrator for
Mankind to the third power.
Mankind has evolved again. First from Cro-Magnon man to
modern day and now from modern day to people with abilities.
Mankind has evolved.
This new evolution has allowed people do things not humanly
People can breathe underwater, run faster, use their minds
in ways never thought before. People
thought it was a curse, an environmental thing. But it was just evolution.
As more and more Mankindx3’s start to appear, Mankindx2
quickly race for either a cure or a solution to this growing epidemic.
These newly evolved humans are being hunted, jailed, examined
and exterminated.
Welcome to the third Evolution of man.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
What was once yours is mine (illustrations)
Here is the Western anthology story entitled "What was once yours is mine".
Story by Kelly Bender (Me)
Art by Adrian "Crisuadi" Crismaru
Story by Kelly Bender (Me)
Art by Adrian "Crisuadi" Crismaru
"Blood Red Lipstick" Anthology Story
Blood Red Lipstick by Kelly Bender
Page 1 (4 Panels)
Panel 1 (largest panel)
We are in Paris France and we are at an intersection, we can
see the Eifel tower to the far right down the street. kiddy corner (right across
from where we are standing ) is a quaint sidewalk cafe, we can see 4-8 tables
on the corner. The front table has a
gorgeous Asian lady wearing a red dress with a red purse by her feet. She is using her compact mirror to apply red
lipstick to her lips. She is sitting on the left side of the table facing
towards the Eifel tower. There is an
older Caucasian gentleman waiter (40’s) bald wearing glasses and a nice white shirt
with a black bowtie and a black vest carrying a tray of glasses filled with red
wine and bread to a table 2 away to the
left from the lady (her back is to them).
The table has 3 people they are an African Dictator and his 2 African Military
Generals. (45-60 year old respectively)
People are walking tourists are taking photos of the Eifel
tower we can see in the distance.
Panel 2
Closer zoom of the Asian lady sitting at the table all by
herself she is attractive, she has jet black hair which is parted in the middle
and is shoulder length hair, she has red lipstick (if it’s in color) she is
wearing a red skin tight dress which is very revealing. There has a wine glass
half filled with red wine, we can see a candle and part of a bowl on a small
Panel 2
The waiter is handing her a menu which is in a typical brown
leather case (which most menus come in)
Panel 3
We are showing the ladies gorgeous legs, her legs are
crossed but the slit in the dress shows all her legs.
From this view we can see the waiter walks away to another
table, we can also just barely see the the top part of her red purse.
(expensive handbag) “Coach”
Blood Red Lipstick by Kelly Bender
Page 2 (6 Panels)
Panel 1
We are looking over
the ladies shoulder (practically down her top) as we can see the lady opening
the menu and inside is a folded note.
Panel 2
She opens the note and reads it. (we can’t see what she is
Panel 3
She then folds the note really small.
Panel 4
She then burns the note using the candle.
Panel 5
She then places the burning note on the plate
Panel 6
She covers it with a bowl which is on her table
Blood Red Lipstick by Kelly Bender
Page 3 (5 Panels)
Panel 1
The lady reaches into her cleavage
Panel 2
We can see money in her hand (which was in her cleavage) and
puts it under the plate she just burned with the bowl.
Panel 3 (largest panel)
She is walking away in the direction of the AFRICAN dictator
and his 2 military men.
Hey gorgeous, want to party with a leader of men?
Don’t do it man, those French call girls will be the death
of you.
Haha but what a way to go!
Panel 4
We can see the same waiter cleaning up the table.
Panel 5
We have scanned down from the waiter and we can see the
chair and beneath the chair we can see the top of the ladies red purse.
Blood Red Lipstick by Kelly Bender
Page 04 (2 Panels)
Panel 1
Close up of the purse
Panel 2 (massive panel)
Large explosion!! Chairs, broken glass, rubble, body parts,
everything flying everywhere.
Blood Red Lipstick by Kelly Bender
Page 05 (4 Panels)
Panel 1
We can see an elderly British man (60’s) wearing a light brown colored suit and sitting
at a large oak desk and he is smiling
Panel 2
The door opens and we can see another British man (40’s) wearing a dark blue suit.
It’s done.
Panel 3
We are back to the man who is sitting at the desk
I knew it was done when
I sent her.
Bring her home.
Panel 4
We are looking at both of the men.
She’s on her way as we speak.
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Pitch Comic 2 "The Other Half" (4 issue mini series)
This is a story about the balance of the universe.
Script by me
Drawings by the amazing Adrian Crismaru (we are working on a western story together also)
The Other Half Issue 1 Kelly Bender
This is a story about the balance of the universe.
Script by me
Drawings by the amazing Adrian Crismaru (we are working on a western story together also)
The Other Half Issue 1 Kelly Bender
Page 01 (4 Panels)
Panel 1
We are looking at a 40 year old man, he is 6’2’’ (205 lbs)
not skinny, not muscular, but is starting to see the signs of a beer gut. He
has Medium length brown hair and a nicely trimmed beard (everything about him
shouts money/power and wealth) He is wearing an expensive suit and a Rolex
watch (if we see it all)
Monthly reports are showing a 13% increase in profits, and
if we land this new contract with the “Nagomi Company”, BURKESTONE TECH is
poised to be the top Security Tech Company in the world.
Panel 2
This panel is black with a word bar (in white)
San Francisco, Tuesday July 16th 2013
Panel 3
We are now looking at the room, we can see a large oval oak
table, there are 7 people sitting there looking at man speaking. There are 6
men and 1 woman. (the 7 peoples ages
range from late 30’s – early 60’s) the lady is in her 40’s, and one of the guys
is in his 50’s have him facing us as he is the man who is speakings closest
friend of the group. He is Asian. They are the executives and the man speaking
is the CEO it’s his company. The man is
holding a water bottle now.
So gentlemen.... and lady.
Let’s raise our glasses to the future of BURKESTONE TECH and
the future of security.
Panel 4
We can see the people clapping and raising water glasses.
Clap clap
(As you can see we went from 4 panels in the script to a clean 3 panels in the finished drawing.)
The Other Half Issue 1 Kelly Bender
Page 02 (2 Panels)
Panel 1 (large panel)
This is an aerial shot, we are outside the top of a building
with the name BURKESTONE TECH on it. We can see the city, other buildings.
Words: Kelly Bender
Pictures: Adrian Crismaru
Panel 2
We looking through the glass and seeing the people from the
meeting leaving the room.
The Other Half Issue 1 Kelly Bender
Page 03 (5 Panels)
Panel 1
We can see the man who spoke standing at the end of the table
gathering up his pages.
Panel 2
We can see the 50 year old Asian man from the meeting
leaning against the door frame that the other people just walked out of.
Kyle, you know you have people on staff who would gather
your papers for you.
Of course you also have people on staff who are paid to
deliver monthly financial reports also.
Me being one of them.
Panel 3
Man who spoke we now know his name to be Kyle. He is looking up at the person who just
I know that Peter.
But, it’s my last name on the building and I still like
doing some things myself.
It’s why I still bring bag lunches to work.
Panel 4
Both men are in the scene now.
I thought you did that because of the new “health conscience”
bistro menu downstairs?
You’ve known me the longest Peter. I’ve always been hands on.
Going from where we were to what we are today.
That doesn’t happen without getting sweaty and your hands
all callused.
Panel 5
Looking at Peter.
I know Kyle, it’s just that you are getting older, next thing you know your kids will be off to College.
I know Kyle, it’s just that you are getting older, next thing you know your kids will be off to College.
I’m just saying that the company is going great, it has been
for quite some time now.
We’ve got great people handling things.
You don’t have to work all the time anymore.
Take a break, see the world.
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